Monday, July 31, 2006

spring onion and cherry tomato omelette

i woke up on sunday morning craving something spicy and garlicky. maybe it was because it felt a bit crisper than it has felt in weeks. it was so nice to wake up to some chill in the morning after weeks of sweltering heat.

i was browsing through my favourite cookbooks for some breakfast ideas. i really wanted to make buttermilk pancakes but i didn't have buttermilk in my fridge so had to pass on that. i found a very simple recipe for spring onion and tomato omelette in jamie's dinners that sounded like it was going to hit the spot. and i couldn't believe that i actually had some salad onions (a decent substitute for spring onions in a pinch) and cherry tomatoes (substitute for big ripe tomatoes) on hand which the naked chef's recipe called for. such alignment of the stars can only be a sign of a fabulous treat ahead!

slice the spring onions diagonally. slice the cherry tomatoes in halves. heat an omelette pan on medium heat. add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. add the spring onions and cherry tomatoes and cook for about three to five minutes.

beat two eggs with a fork until the yolks and whites have just mixed. add a finely chopped red chilli, some sea salt and pepper.

fold the eggs into the pan. use a fork to shake up the eggs and make sure that they are cooked to your liking. pull off the heat in less than a minute.

i ate the omelette with toasted garlic baguette slices. i just loved the fiery taste of the spring onions and red chillis in the omelette. and the cherry tomatoes set off that heat perfectly with their delicate sweetness.

wash down with freshly squeezed orange juice or homemade lemonade.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lulu... do try shakshuka sometime. Its got tomatoes, olive oil, peppers, garlic and eggs.

Nothing else ya need

12:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lulu

You have a very interesting blog here which I read quite often! The other day while passing thru Kensington from Portobello market we came across Ottolenghi..only thing, sadly we were on the bus and couldnt jump off on time! :) Do plan to try it soon! Take care

3:20 pm  
Blogger lulu said...

hi sandeep,
great to hear from you after ages. hope you have been keeping well!
shakshuka sounds like something i would love. do you scramble the eggs with the other ingredients or is it a spicy omelette? sounds yummy either way.

i LOVE ottolenghi. i end up eating there at least once a week. definitely worth jumping off the bus - in time, of course!

8:55 pm  
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